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WLA Testimonials

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When my CEO put the Women’s Leadership Accelerator program on my radar I anticipated it would probably equip me and a team of 5 other amazing women at my company with interesting tools to manage our teams better. What I did not realize was the profound impact it would have on us as individuals and the considerable, thoughtful customization the program would offer each of us to help us through our unique hurdles as leaders.

Before WLA I had taken a self-taught approach to management with mostly ok results but I did not dare think of myself as a leader. I believed that the conscious effort it took me to manage my teams came across as inauthentic and I was looking to incorporate some of those good practices more naturally. 

During the process I learned how to reframe self perceptions and relationships dynamics that were holding me back from achieving the very goals I persued. By the end of the program, I found a renewed confidence in my unique leadership style and a framework to continuously evaluate myself in compassion to balance my high standards. 

I believe that investing in WLA for a cohort of female leaders at a company improves organizational culture greatly by instilling women leaders with the confidence that our organization has put on us. It truly validates our positive impact and feeds a virtuous cycle. I highly recommend Kelsey’s approach to a more balanced, confident leaders, at a speed that feels both surprisingly effective and completely natural.

Paula, Head of Product

Kelsey is an amazing leadership coach to work with. She keeps you accountable and she's supportive, accepting, honest and caring.

When I first joined the Women's Leadership Accelerator program with Kelsey, I was at a low point in my life. I was experiencing imposter syndrome, I was always doubting myself and I was lacking confidence in my decisions and abilities as a leader. My mindset quickly changed within the WLA program.

I can now confidently lead a team by setting expectations and providing proper feedback. Kelsey has helped me get to the point where I can say I am confident in my decisions - both personal and career, and my leadership abilities. Kelsey has taught me to believe in myself and celebrate myself and has provided me with the tools needed to easily shift my mindset when a stressful situation arises. After joining the WLA program and taking the time to invest and commit to my personal development with Kelsey, I can now recognize and truly believe that I am where I am in my career because of all the hard work I've put in and that I truly deserve it.

Amara, Head of Partnerships Operations

The Women’s Leadership Accelerator program has been such an incredibly rewarding experience for me. Starting this program, I loved my career and felt comfortable in my role - but I knew there was more for me to learn and achieve. I had been looking for a program like this for sometime and Kelsey and I clicked immediately.

Through the WLA, Kelsey has taught me invaluable lessons and helped me grow into a next level leader. With the help of this program, I’ve been able to hone my managerial mindset and have become a better role model for my team. Kelsey has been my teacher, my collaborative strategist, and my steadfast cheerleader - she’s pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me to gain clarity on my own purpose, both personally and professionally.

With Kelsey’s help, I’ve set goals for myself that I’ve been trying to accomplish for years and her accountability and support helped me achieve them. This program has given me the direction I didn’t even realize I was looking for. It’s helped me become a better communicator and gain a whole new perspective on how to connect with my co-workers, clients, friends, and family. Even if you’re happy with where you’re at, with work or in life, this program will open your eyes to how you can level up and be an even better version of yourself through insight and action.

Alyssa, VP of Sales

Enrolling in Women’s Leadership Accelerator was one of the best decisions I made in my life! I am so happy I invested in myself. Kelsey is an amazing coach! She is kind, respectful, honest, strong, and wise. She is very committed and connected to her clients, it feels like she is your best friend!

When I started this program I was at my lowest. I had low self-confidence and I was stuck in a place where I was constantly doubting myself and afraid of moving forward. All my life I had confidence problems and my happiness basically relied on others' approval. I did achieve my goals in the past but I constantly felt like I did not deserve them, or I just got lucky! Kelsey taught me to value myself, acknowledge and celebrate my wins no matter how small they are, believe in myself and find happiness from within regardless of what others think. My confidence was built during this program, and I learned how to have control over my emotions rather than letting them control me.

Now I am excited to do things outside of my comfort zone, I am not afraid of making mistakes and failure. I know failure is the price of success! I can control my emotions and make decisions based on what aligns with my values and my vision. I get excited about things that used to give me anxiety! Anxiety is no longer limiting my goal setting and I can dream big and take messy action!

Kelsey was always there for me when I had a down moment, she listened carefully and guided me through finding my way back. And that's how I learned to bring myself back and be my higher self again when I feel my limiting beliefs and negative emotions are getting in my way! I can be honest with myself, hear myself out, identify the blocks, and reprogram my brain!

I definitely recommend this course to everyone! No matter where you are in your life, this program can benefit you. Believe in the program and do the work, and you will be surprised how your life is going to be impacted by it!

Niloufar, Engineering Manager

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